jeudi 20 octobre 2011

Teddy Bear Chair

Original chair

This chair was given by a friend. The shape is very classical and I wanted something visually atractive. I sewed the teddy bears all together and I used safed plastic strings. The whole structure is very strong.

Chaise pelucheschaise peluches
The chair is very confortable and cosy.

The chair is covered with more than 30 teddy bears of all sizes, colors and shapes
Chaise peluchesBack of the chair

 Some details.

chaise pelucheschaise pelucheschaise peluches

Note:no Teddy bear were injured during the opération

2 commentaires:

  1. J'adore !!!
    Je peux te prendre 3 photos et le mettre sur mon blog ?


  2. Bon finalement je l'ai fait, tu me dis si tu veux que je modifie quelque chose.


